Anger Management

Anger Management

Experiencing anger is a normal feeling whether it’s described as frustration or fury. Believe it or not, it’s a healthy emotion that we all feel.  But when those feelings of anger turn into destruction and become out of control, they can lead to bigger problems in different areas of your life such as the workplace and home.  It will begin to affect your social relationships and how you communicate with people.  Your behaviors can become an unpredictable powerful emotion and you’ll have limited tolerance of frustration.

The goal of anger management is to control the anger before it controls you by reducing your emotional and physical responses to situations that trigger outbursts.  At Emerge, you’ll learn to manage the intensity of your thoughts, behaviors and actions since that is all that you have control over.  You can’t change the people or environments that cause you to feel enraged, but you can change yourself and identify when to remove yourself from the situations that are triggers.

If you feel you’re becoming angry more easily and having low frustration tolerance, you can benefit from anger management.  The first step is understanding that there is help available and reaching out for the support in order to make the change.

One of the most important specifics to keep in mind is to make sure the therapist you’re working with is a good fit for you.  They should understand your needs and wants and be free of bias so don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Call today to receive a free 30-minute phone consultation and determine if therapy is the route for you.