Redefining Motherhood

Motherhood is a journey filled with highs and lows. The role of a mother changes as her child transitions through different stages of life; from the basics of feeding to raising responsible adults- a mother’s job is endless. As we fulfill this role, how many of us actually take care of ourselves? What does taking “me time” mean for you? Our society expects mothers to have it all together and become selfless. Studies show an increase in women experiencing physical and mental health issues due to lack of self-care. It’s not an unusual thing for mothers to neglect their health or [...]

Redefining Motherhood2023-06-05T16:28:00-04:00

The Company You Keep

Have you ever heard people say, “you are who you surround yourself with?” It is common for us to underestimate the importance of the company we keep. There is power in the people we surround ourselves with; they can influence our thoughts, emotions, behaviors in both positive and negative ways.  The truth is you can’t have positivity in your life when you spend most of your time with people who always focus on the negative in life, and/or are too comfortable in their “routine”. They have certain fears in life and their energy can certainly have a negative impact on you. [...]

The Company You Keep2023-05-05T17:53:44-04:00

The Truth About Healing

The truth about healing “I should be over this by now.” “Why do I still feel like this?” “I should be doing better.” “I’m going to feel this way forever.” “I’m not doing good enough.” Do these phrases sound familiar? Phrases like these get the best of us. And unfortunately we all experience them at some point or another. When we notice these types of thoughts popping into our heads, the knee-jerk reaction is to feed into them. These thoughts tend to spiral out of control and not only bring us to a dark place, but keeps us there. We feel [...]

The Truth About Healing2023-05-05T17:57:25-04:00

The Other Side Of Grief

Grief is a beast and it can show up in different ways. Most times we associate grief with death. But what about grieving those who are still alive? We tend to overlook the power of grief when we experience break ups, divorce, friendships ending, losing valuable and meaningful items, and even our own growth and transformation sparks grief of our past selves. Ultimately, any experience of loss can lead to grief. However, grieving someone who has not died can be especially hard because a lot of these times we are still seeing that person in some capacity and/or we know they [...]

The Other Side Of Grief2023-03-12T20:36:49-04:00

The Unplanned Journey

Everyone knows parenting is hard sometimes but parenting a disabled child carries challenges that are unfathomable. Many parents grief over the loss of hopes and dreams they had for their child as well for their family. The feeling of guilt and sadness over not being able to pay close attention towards other children or significant other.  Feeling like an inadequate parent, and being angry for the situation they are in engulf many parents. Fear of the unknown and thinking about how to manage everything can be overwhelming and lonesome. I was shattered realizing my child may not experience the life that [...]

The Unplanned Journey2023-01-14T09:06:12-05:00

Transition to motherhood

Pregnancy is a period in your life that comes with so many emotions.  You feel happy with the thought of becoming a mother, but can’t help to think how it will change life completely.  Well, at least that is what happened to me.  My husband and I were excited when we found out we are becoming parents. I was extra careful with everything I did making sure  I didn’t hurt the baby in any way. Then other thoughts surfaced such as “Is it the right time?”, “ How are things going to change?”,  “How can I maintain everything?”, “ Am I [...]

Transition to motherhood2020-01-04T10:21:04-05:00


Creating boundaries isn’t always an easy task. But we need to have them in order for people in our personal and professional lives to understand where we stand and what our limits are. People commonly hesitate to set boundaries in fear they will be rejected and left out that it almost seems easier to feed into situations that make us uncomfortable. This is why it’s so important for you to be in tune with your feelings so you can practice self-awareness and self-care. You’ll be more confident in communicating what you are and aren’t comfortable with along with your beliefs, values [...]

Setting BOUNDARIES2019-03-18T11:34:02-04:00

What brings you joy?

Have you ever really asked yourself “What are the things in life that bring me JOY?” And if you know what they are, what holds you back from being able to experience them more often? When I say joy, I’m not referring to happiness. They are two different things. Happiness is an external, temporary and transitional feeling. It’s a state, not a trait that we experience. Joy on the other hand, is an internal feeling that is a part of your nature. When you experience joy, it’s an intense emotion that you feel. Joy isn’t something you go searching for or [...]

What brings you joy?2019-03-18T11:17:34-04:00

Depth of Depression

It’s something that can’t be seen, but the experience and feeling is very real.  Depression hits more than 16 million Americans every year and yes, children face it head on too.   It’s the second most common mental health disorder after anxiety disorders. Depression takes place in multiple forms such as major depression, persistent depressive disorder, post-partum depression and seasonal affective disorder. When you’re in a state of depression it will interrupt your daily life and the way you normally function.  You may experience other co-occurring feelings like anger and anxiety.  For some, most days are spent in bed or putting a [...]

Depth of Depression2019-01-27T22:50:50-05:00

What impact does stress have on you?

We’re all experiencing that common feeling nowadays called stress. The word has become a norm and I don’t recall the last time I went a day without hearing someone tell me “I’m so stressed.” People are saying the words out loud, but so many are living each day ignoring the symptoms that they’re experiencing. Stress and anxiety are often linked together and although it’s common for one to induce the other, they present differently. Anxiety is the feeling of nervousness, uncertainty and worry in anticipation of something going wrong or “bad” happening.  Stress is the feeling of pressure which is often [...]

What impact does stress have on you?2019-03-18T11:10:00-04:00
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