Have you ever really asked yourself “What are the things in life that bring me JOY?” And if you know what they are, what holds you back from being able to experience them more often?
When I say joy, I’m not referring to happiness. They are two different things. Happiness is an external, temporary and transitional feeling. It’s a state, not a trait that we experience. Joy on the other hand, is an internal feeling that is a part of your nature. When you experience joy, it’s an intense emotion that you feel.
Joy isn’t something you go searching for or have to acquire, but something you have to consciously become aware of as you experience it. When you get to the point where you’re able to recognize joy and appreciate it, make a conscious effort to purposefully put yourself in situations and surroundings where you’ll be able to encounter them more often on a consistent basis.
Start shifting your thoughts from being consumed with the things that hold you back and make you upset and divulge more into the things that bring you joy and help you reach those peak moments that bring out these powerful responses. Having more occurrences of joy over despair, anger and anxiety will help you create a more positive train of thought pattern and give you the ability to tackle problems with a clearer mindset when they arise.
To get further assistance on this topic call 551-775-0575 and let’s get you started.