We’re all experiencing that common feeling nowadays called stress. The word has become a norm and I don’t recall the last time I went a day without hearing someone tell me “I’m so stressed.” People are saying the words out loud, but so many are living each day ignoring the symptoms that they’re experiencing.

Stress and anxiety are often linked together and although it’s common for one to induce the other, they present differently. Anxiety is the feeling of nervousness, uncertainty and worry in anticipation of something going wrong or “bad” happening.  Stress is the feeling of pressure which is often related to responsibilities, relationships, financial strain, performing at an optimal level or major life changes occurring.

With stress comes physical symptoms such as headaches, hypertension, irritability with mood, loss of appetite/weight loss and hair loss.  This is your body telling you it’s not functioning in a healthy mode.  Although people understand and feel these symptoms they only address them by “putting a bandaid on it” which is most often medication to take care of the problem on the surface and just in the moment.

So what prevents people from addressing the stress they’re actually experiencing?  It’s the feeling there is nothing that can be done to take the level of stress away and the situation they’re in is the only one that exists.  Similarly, ignoring the stress you’re experiencing isn’t going to make it go away.  It will more likely just exacerbate the symptoms.

If you notice changes in your body and mood be sure to address it.  It doesn’t mean you need to necessarily seek treatment, but it does mean you need to take a look at what’s contributing to this change.

If you’re not ready to adjust the situation directly, some of the most beneficial ways to start managing the stress is focusing on self –care by implementing a structured diet, regular exercise and identifying a few people in your social network to talk to.

A little bit goes a long way.

If you’re looking for more help in this area, call 551-775-0575 and let’s get you back on track.