Everyone knows parenting is hard sometimes but parenting a disabled child carries challenges that are unfathomable. Many parents grief over the loss of hopes and dreams they had for their child as well for their family.

The feeling of guilt and sadness over not being able to pay close attention towards other children or significant other.  Feeling like an inadequate parent, and being angry for the situation they are in engulf many parents. Fear of the unknown and thinking about how to manage everything can be overwhelming and lonesome. I was shattered realizing my child may not experience the life that I have “planned” and thinking about the struggles he may experience in life sinks my heart. Many times I wished I can just “fix” it. I might be near people but sometimes, I find myself millions miles away.

It can be excruciating at times to stay  hopeful for what tomorrow may bring but sometimes it is all you have. You may not know what your journey looks like but not many people do. You may not be experiencing the life you have thought of and taking some unfamiliar turns but your journey is meaningful in its own way. Sometimes it’s difficult to see in the moment but every day you showing up for your child and trying to understand their world shows the love and acceptance you have for them. I have learned and grown, since taking care of my son and helping him become the best version of himself without any judgment.

It’s important to fill your own cup and recharge your battery as you pave your own path and continue to be present for your loved ones. Help and resources are available to support you on this unknown journey of life. It’s ok to talk about it, you are not alone.

Below are websites that can be helpful for parents who are looking for support.






By: Santa Dastidar, LCSW
